Hitched guest app
Hitched guest app
Your friends and family members are getting married and you have a long list to maintain like when are they getting married, where are they getting married, what all ceremonies will be held? Also when and where? Hitched Guest App is here to rescue you. If you soon to be getting married friends are planning their wedding with Hitched, you can find all details regarding their wedding on Hitched Guest App. This application allows you to search you friend’s wedding by their name, wedding date/ month/ year, partners name etc. You can also scan QRCode used to invite you and by scanning same you get all wedding details of respective couple. Wait you are invited and can see all ceremonies and respective details like when and where, but where to stay? What will be possible temperature there? How to find rout to place? Don’t worry, Hitched has taken care of all… in hands with Booking.com and weather forecast APIs you get all required details and with Routing mythologies you can find route from your current place to respective venue. Also you can upload enjoyed moments in form of photos for respective wedding, no limitations on same and can view them latter when you feel like reviewing your happy and funny memories.

Project details
The designers decide on committing to finding
Hitched guest app
3 months

Allow Guest to register.
Guest should be able to scan QRCode to view wedding details for which they are invited.
Allow Guest to search wedding by Couple name, partner name, wedding date/ month/ year.
Allow Guest to search weddings without signing in.
Guest must sign-in to view details for invited wedding.
Guest should be able to view wedding details for which they are invited by couple.
All wedding details like all ceremonies, venues, route to venues etc. should be displayed with attractive UI.
Guest should be able to upload images/ photos of moments they enjoyed.
Guest should be able to view all uploaded photos in application.
Guest should be able to view climate information for venue of ceremonies.
Guest should be able to see places nearby venue to book a room for ceremony or wedding day.
Attractive UI with latest trends of new android UI
UX & Prototyping
Google Analytics
Push Notification
Web-Service interaction
Offline data saving and display
Integrating crash reporting
QRCode scanning
Photo Upload
Project Technology
Technology : Android
Database : SQLite (on applciation end), SQL Server (on Web-service end)
Api : RESTful APIs, JSON, Booking.com API, Weather API
Data Formats : JSON
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